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Purpose, vision, values, behaviours and strategy!!!

Purpose, vision, values, behaviours and strategy!!!

Try this process out if you want to refocus or try something new. Some of it works well in workshop format however I would always suggest getting broad input from your teams. That’s because determining why you exist, what you want to achieve and how to do it is arguably just the tip of the iceberg. The real job is getting buy in and building your culture across your business.

STEP 1 – YOUR PURPOSE Why does your business or organisation exist? Perhaps the most well known example was the cleaner in NASA who was ‘helping put a man on the moon’. Apple for many years existed ‘to make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind’!  Santander want to ‘help businesses and people to prosper’.I would think about this in the context of the impact you have on your customers. STEP 2 – YOUR VISION Roll the clock forward and think about what you want to achieve and how you want others to see you. I like these to be simple and concise rather than wordy. You may want to be the best, the quickest, the most recommended……

STEP 3 – YOUR VALUES – Santander chose three words to sum this up – Simple, Personal and Fair. I thought this was particularly effective as it also engaged with 20,000 staff and was often talked about throughout the organisation. If it’s easy to remember then it helps to land it in your business. So I would recommend finding words that you want to stand for – what you want to be famous for!

STEP 4 – YOUR BEHAVIOURS – Do you want to be passionate, respectful, straight talking…..there can be a long list of behaviours. Think about behaviours that will make your boat go faster if that is what you want to achieve. The important thing here is to take on wider views as you will rely on your teams to exhibit these behaviours. You don’t want them hanging on the wall but rather living in the room!

STEP 5 – YOUR COMPASS – This last tool is a peach! Originated in Tesco I think! It’s a great way of summarising your main goals and therefore a great roadmap to achieve your vision and values.Screen Shot 2016-09-05 at 15.56.36

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